Kirk Circle Garden

Leaving a Legacy through Endowment

Charlotte and George Spear Circle Stone

The Charlotte & George Spear Family Fund Circle of Investment stone is located in the Kirk Family Garden at QHS.

Founding a Circle of Investment endowment is a unique way to honor an individual, group, or company, while adding support to public school students in Quincy.

Each Circle is an endowment fund restricted by the donor(s) to a specific purpose within the Quincy Public Schools. ex. Mathematics, Music, or Physical Education.

These investments will touch the lives of children in our community for generations to come. To found and name a new circle, the minimum donation is $10,000. To found and name a new bench, the minimum donation is $50,000.

Gifts of any amount are welcome and may be added to any fund at any time.

If you would like information on initiating an endowment fund, please contact Executive Director, Heidi Lanier, at 217-228-7112 or email [email protected].

The following endowments have been established with the Foundation:


Wendy Wolfe Ball for Journalism

Bartley Family Fund for Music

Bartley Family Fund for Athletics-QHS Tennis

Becker Family for Education

Joe and Janice Bocke in Memory of Tammy Bocke Flagg for QPSF Operations

Don and Liz Busbey Fund for Health and Wellness

Annabelle Cashman for Art Education

Deelite Cashman Ernst Literacy Fund for Elementary Literacy

Keith Cashman for Athletics-QHS Golf Teams

Dr. George C. Crickard Jr. for Special Education

Richard E. Davis, Jr. Memorial Fund for Quincy Public School District (General)

Denman Elementary School PTA for Denman Elementary School

Patricia and David Donald Memorial for Special Education

Kathleen Dooley & Gary Handrick for Musical Theater

Dooley-Sherman-Fonza-Bassett for Music

Dena Gooch Eakle Memorial Fund for Elementary Education

William Carson Eakle Memorial Fund for Raising Standards and Character

In Honor of Harry Channon "Bo" Eaton for Agriculture (QAVTC)

"A Friend for Education" for English

Excellence in Education for English and History

Michael & Cindy Foster for Technology in Music

Virginia Foster for Elementary Classroom Needs

Beulah Gooch Memorial for Business and Career Education

Sherrill Hanks for Athletics-Basketball

Mary and Charles Heidbreder for QPS Music

Laura Henke for School Nursing Services

Randal Hoover Memorial Fund for Music Camp

William & Genevieve Irvine Education Fund for Economically Disadvantaged Children

Lauren J. Kiest for QAVTC

Bill and Margaret Keller Memorial for Music-Marching Band

Carolyn Eakle Kirk Fund for Language Arts & History

Houston Kirk Memorial Scholarship for Mathematics

Pat and Bill Kniel Family for Music Education

Dale & Donna Koontz for QAVTC-Building Trades

Kunkel for At Risk Students

Roger & Julie Leenerts Family in honor of Ellington School PTA for Iles Elementary School

Richard and Peggy Liebig Fund for Music

Stella Lilly Memorial for English Literature

Anne and Bob Mays Family Fund for Leadership and Entrepreneurial Skills

Martha McCrory - Stringed Instruments for  Stringed Instruments

George and Mary Nell Meyer for QHS Alumni Relations

Naomi Meyer for Elementary Education

Terry and Carole Mickle for General Use

Moore Family for QPSF Operations

Paul and Frances Morrison Music Memorial Fund for Music

Ted and Sandy Morrison Family Fund for Elementary English and Math

Janet Neiswender for Special Education

Alan R. and Carol W. Nichols for Science and Technology

Oakley Family for Journalism

Oakley Lindsay Foundation for Digital Journalism & Communications

Quincy Area Vocational & Technical Center - Founded by Signe Oakley

Georgine Payne CNA Program for QAVTC-Nursing

Georgine Payne in honor of Carson Kirk for QPSF Operations

Rooney Elementary School PTO for Rooney Elementary School

Paul Saunders for Baldwin Elementary School

Herman Schneidman for Athletics

Dan and Pam Sherman for Music Education

Charlotte and George Spear Family Fund for Health & Physical Education

Jeff and Theresa Spear for Mathematics and Science

Foreign Language and Music Education Fund

Leo and Lucie Tarzwell Memorial in honor of the QHS Class of 1975 for Athletics-QHS Soccer

Wagner Family for Teacher Development in Music Education

Walden Family for Child & Family Mentor Program

Maryann & Jack Westhoff Family Fund for Language Arts & Early Childhood Education

Marjorie O. Wolfe for Kindergarten

Bill and Kathy Wolters Fund for Early Childhood Education

Dr. Young & Suni Yu for Biomedical Sciences

Lee and Joan Kammerlohr

Joyce and William R. Winn Family

Peggy Simon Memorial

Dittmer Family Fund for Physical Education

Loos-Sallstrom Family Fund


Gardner Denver for Science and Technology

Martha McCrory for Music - Music Camps

Norma Seckman Tushaus for Child & Family Mentor Program


Richard Liebig Endowment for QPSF Operations

QPSF - Operations for QPSF Operations

Quincy Public Schools Foundation Bright Future Fund for QPSF Operations

Stettner Endowment - QPSF Board Designated for Signage Maintenance

Dream Big Endowment Fund, Campaign Endowment for Fine Arts, Athletics, Curriculum, or Technology

Marguerite J. Bowman Endowment for QPSF Operations


Kathleen Dooley Endowment for Advancement of Students of Music and the Arts for QHS Music - Financial Aid of current QHS students for camps, activities, or programs

Becker Music Scholarship

Paul Hentzel Scholarship

Jack Madden Scholarship

Robert E. Meyer Scholarship for English and Journalism

William Moore History Scholarship

Lee Pappas Scholarship for Academics

Lee Pappas Scholarship for Athletics

Historical Information

Houston Kirk Memorial Scholarship – Mathematics
Carson Kirk initiated QFQE’s first Circle of Investment in memory of his father, Houston Kirk. Houston was responsible for introducing calculus into Quincy’s curriculum. He also taught advanced mathematics at Quincy High School for twenty-two years. Houston retired in 1972 and moved to Florida. This circle funds math education throughout the district and was celebrated in 2004.

A Friend for Education – English
The person who initiated this circle wished only to be known as “an individual dedicated to the promotion of education to enhance a student’s future.” This circle funds English education, including journalism and creative writing, throughout the district and was celebrated in 2004.

Bill and Margaret Keller Memorial
Dennis and Barb Gorman initiated this circle in memory of Barb’s parents, Bill and Margaret Keller. Bill attended Quincy Public Schools and served on the Board of Education for many years. This circle currently funds Baldwin, Madison, and Quincy Junior High schools, where the Gorman’s grandchildren attend, and was celebrated in 2004.

Dooley-Sherman-Fonza-Bassett – Music
Bill and Lynda Keller initiated this circle to honor QHS music teachers Kathi Dooley, Dan Sherman, Les Fonza, and Clyde Bassett. All three of the Keller’s children were involved in choir and orchestra from the time they were at Baldwin through their high school career. This circle funds music education throughout the district and was celebrated in 2004.

Janet Neiswender – Special Education
J.D. Neiswender initiated this circle in memory of his mother. Janet taught science and language arts at Quincy Junior High School for thirty years. During that time, she also developed a close relationship with many of the special education students. This circle funds special education throughout the district and was celebrated in 2004.

Dena Gooch Eakle Memorial Fund – Elementary Education
Carson Kirk initiated this circle in memory of his grandmother, Dena Gooch Eakle. Dena taught third grade at Franklin School for many years, inspiring her daughter Carolyn to become a teacher as well. This circle funds elementary education throughout the district and was celebrated in 2005.

Carolyn Eakle Kirk Scholarship – Language Arts & History
Carson Kirk initiated this circle in honor of his mother, Carolyn Eakle Kirk. Carolyn taught language arts and history at Quincy Junior High School from 1948 to 1960, when she resigned to stay home with Carson. This circle funds language arts and history throughout the district and was celebrated in 2006.

Martha McCrory Foundation, Inc. – Music
Martha McCrory initiated this circle to fund stringed instruments. Martha has enjoyed a career revolving around music. She has been a teacher, professional cellist, and administrator. Martha built the Sewanee Summer Music Festival into a highly ranked summer training program and concert series of international proportions. Her keen interest in young people studying music during the summer has long been her passion. This circle was celebrated in 2006.

Deelite Cashman Ernst Literacy Fund – Elementary Literacy
Deelite Ernst’s family and friends initiated this circle in her memory. Deelite treasured time with her children, and was also devoted to her “other” children, her first grade students at Adams School. Deelite dedicated herself to their education, and the warm hugs and kisses she received daily from past and present students were evidence of her impact on their lives. This Circle funded literacy education at Adams Elementary School until 2019 and was celebrated in 2006. In 2018, the family of Billie Embree, a former Title I Reader teacher, left memorials from Mrs. Embree's passing to this Circle. Mrs. Embree dedicated her entire life to teaching and especially 4th-6th Grade Reading at Baldwin Intermediate School. When Adams School closed, the Circle was re-designated for Elementary Literacy throughout the district.

G. Keith Cashman – QHS Golf Teams Fund
Keith Cashman’s family and friends initiated this circle in his memory. Keith was involved in the savings and loan industry for over thirty years. During that time, he worked to encourage legislation favorable to the thrift business and the saving and borrowing customer. Keith was also an accomplished athlete and an avid golfer, passing his love for the game to his children and grandchildren. This circles funds the Quincy High School golf teams and was celebrated in 2006.

Patricia & David Donald Memorial – Special Education
Carson Kirk initiated this circle in memory of his close family friends, Patricia and David Donald. Patricia Fuelbier Donald taught special education in the Quincy Public Schools for 29 years and David worked for the Mental Health Authority of West Central Illinois. This circle funds special education throughout the district and was celebrated in 2007.

Excellence in Education – English & History
The person who initiated this circle wished only to be known as “an individual dedicated to the promotion of education to enhance a student’s future.” This circle funds English and history education throughout the district and was celebrated in 2007.

Naomi Meyer – Elementary Education
Samuel Becker initiated this circle in honor of a cherished teacher, Naomi Meyer. Naomi taught third and fourth grade at Washington School from 1930 to 1937 and at Franklin School from 1937 to 1975. This circle will fund elementary education throughout the district and was celebrated in 2007.

Foreign Language & Music Education
This circle was initiated by retired school teachers who wish to remain anonymous. They had a passion for both their students and for teaching, and wanted to carry that legacy forward. This circle funds foreign language and music education throughout the district and will be celebrated in 2009.

Beulah Gooch Memorial – Business & Career Education
Carson Kirk initiated this circle in memory of his great aunt, Beulah Gooch. This circle will fund business and career education at the Quincy Senior High and the Quincy Area Vocational Technical Center and was celebrated in 2008.

Gardner-Denver Bench – Science & Technology
Gardner Denver, Inc. initiated the first bench, setting the pace for other businesses and groups to invest in the Quincy Public Schools. Gardner Denver is a global producer of blowers, air compressors, petroleum pumps, water jetting pumps and accessories, fluid transfer equipment, and liquid ring pumps. This endowed fund will support science and technology education throughout the district and was celebrated in 2009.

Herman Schneidman – Athletics
Herman Schneidman initiated this circle to fund athletics. Herman attended Quincy Public Schools and played football for Quincy High School. He went on to play football for the University of Iowa, the U.S. Navy, and the Green Bay Packers. This circle was celebrated in 2010.

Norma Seckman Tushaus – Child/Family Mentor Program
Norma Tushaus, Quincy High School Class of 1945, initiated this circle to fund the Child/Family Mentor Program. Norma was orphaned as a child and believes that if a program of this nature had existed when she was in school, her life may have been much different. This circles funds mentoring throughout the district and was celebrated in 2009.

Stella Lilly Memorial – English Literature
Judith Derhake Babcock, Quincy High School Class of 1955, initiated this circle in memory of her favorite teacher, Miss Stella R. Lilly. Miss Lilly taught English Literature at QHS for over thirty years. This circle funds English literature throughout the district and was celebrated in 2009.

Wm Carson Eakle Memorial – Raising Standards & Character
Carson Kirk initiated this circle in memory of his grandfather William Carson Eakle, who was ‘quite a character.’ This circle was celebrated in 2009 and funds character education throughout the district.

Annabelle Cashman – Art Education
Annabelle Cashman’s family and friends initiated a circle in her memory to benefit art education in Quincy. She was always a lover of art and an avid supporter of education so it was only fitting that her memory would be honored in a way to support art education for years to come. This circle was celebrated in 2009.

Madison Elementary PTA Fund
The Madison Elementary PTA created this circle as a way for alumni and friends to rally behind a new generation of Madison students.

Ellington Elementary School – Where Children Soar
The Ellington PTA chose to focus on the future by initiating a circle of investment to support the next generation of Ellington students. This Circle was celebrated in 2010 and will support Ellington students for years to come.

Genevieve Irvine
Genevieve Irvine’s children created this circle in memory of their mother.

Charlotte & George Spear Family Fund – Health & Physical Education
Carson Kirk initiated this circle in honor of his lifelong friends Charlotte and George Spear. This circle was celebrated in 2010 and will fund health and physical education throughout the district.

QHS Class of 1960*
Members of the Quincy High School Class of 1960 created this circle to help the Quincy Public Schools and to commemorate their class on the occasion of their 50th class reunion in 2010. This circle is growing and has not reached the point of celebration.