Letter of Support for QPS and the March Referendum
On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Quincy Public Schools Foundation, we are submitting this letter to the school district in support of the referendum proposed for the March ballot.
Dear Mr. Webb and members of the Quincy Public School District Board of Education:
In fulfillment of our mission and purpose to acquire and provide resources in pursuit of excellence, the promotion of student development, and the strengthening of school and community partnerships, we support the proposed tax referendum.
For over 30 years, the QPS Foundation has partnered with the District to help fund many projects, such as grants for teachers in their classrooms. But we have also provided major funding for technology, fine arts, athletics, professional development, and even curriculum. All of these projects are outside the District’s normal budget and funding mechanisms. We see first-hand that additional funding is needed to maintain quality of education in our community.
Further, our confidence in the District leadership is at an all-time high. We believe that attracting and retaining top-notch teaching talent is critical to the strength of our educational system. Considering Quincy ranks last in funding among its peer group in tax-based support for education, we support the increase, which will have a positive impact on students and local business workforce development, not to mention the teachers of our community and their families.
On behalf of the QPS Foundation’s Board of Trustees,
Kent A. Embree
Executive Director
Quincy Public Schools Foundation